A Busy Moms Guide To Staying Active

If you know me, you know I adore fitness. Not for vanity reasons. I am what society likes to call “plus-size”, so I think the vanity portion is lost on me! I adore fitness because of how it makes me feel. I feel strong. It clears my racing, anxious thoughts right away. It sends a dose of happiness right to my brain. I am over 1 year free of my anxiety medication because I turn to fitness. Plus, it is fun. Yes, fitness can be fun. It can social. It can be life-changing. It can be what gets you through the day. It can be whatever your heart desires. But, only if you commit yourself.


No, you do not need to go all in. You don’t need to start running 5 miles per day and spending hours at the gym. You can start small. It doesn’t need to be all or nothing. Chances are if you run into something without taking the time to properly see what works for you, you might end up jumping ship real fast. I don’t want that. You don’t want that. I want you to succeed. Whatever your definition of success is. Everyone’s success is measured differently. Just as everyone needs to find what works for them!


I recently wrote an article for Rhode Island Health & Fitness entitled, A Busy Moms Guide to Staying Active. I talked about some of the ways we as moms, or any individual can fit more activity into their lives. We are a nation that is constantly living in the fast lane. Self-care can’t happen if you don’t slow down and make the time!  Check it out here, and perhaps there are some tips you could take into your lives today and become happier & healthier!


Seventh Generation- A Toxic-Free Generation for All

* This post is a sponsored post but views are my own and in now way was I made to express my feelings in a certain way.

I will never forget the first time I ever heard of Seventh Generation. My mother was working at a local natural foods market in Barrington, RI and brought me home a package of diapers and laundry detergent for Landon. I thought it was some “fuddy duddy” stuff that would cost an arm & a leg and not even work. Boy, was I wrong. Back in 2008, my love affair with Seventh Generation was formed. Fact: Seventh Generation has worked for over 25 years creating  a healthy home by delivering plant derived products using bio-based ingredients. Do you know what is under your cabinet?

TFF_100 percent laundry1

As sad as this sounds, it wasn’t until I had Landon that I really paid attention to what was in my household cleaners or even food for that matter. When I read all the benefits on the back of the package and bottle of detergent, I immediately thought, “why isn’t there benefits written on the ones I have at home”? Because the only benefit of “those” cleaners is a shiny kitchen counter that may smell good in the process. There was no recycling benefit from the packaging. There was no benefit that it was all natural or safe for children.  There certainly was no benefit that it helps the environment for our next generation. This stuck with me. Till this day, Seventh Generation is my go-to cleaner for my household. Over the years, I have developed a  natural homemade cleaning solution but Seventh Generation is always a member of this household in some form.


Did you know that research shows that exposing yourself & children to toxins can increase your risk of cancer, asthma, Alzheimer’s and even birth defects? Did you know that since the Toxic Substances Control Act was enacted in 1976, over 85,000 synthetic chemicals have been introduced but only 10% of those have been tested for potential human toxicity? This is not ok with me. This should NOT be ok with you.  We should not be OK with inviting products into your home with no testing done. Your children are not test subjects for these chemicals. Heck, we are not test subjects! We can do something. Our voice can be heard. Sign the petition to demand reform of the TSCA in which the Toxin Freedom Fighters will present to Congress on April 30th 2014. Spread the word. NOW. GO.

Visit www.fighttoxins.com to sign the petition!



Coconut Oil- Is it a Magic Potion?

Coconut Oil is not just another fad. It is here to stay. A fad tends to leave this life almost as quickly as it graced us with its presence. Coconut Oil my friends is no fad. I won’t argue that within the last couple of years it has risen in popularity.  That’s probably because the amount of useful possibilities this oil has;  and I am sure we will continue to learn more each year. Chefs, beauty experts, and even medical professionals use Coconut Oil for its many benefits it offers.  Maybe, that is why it is here to stay- but you should find out for yourself. The uses for this oil are really endless. It transcends from one market to the next. I mean, shoulder pads, MC-Hammer pants and fanny packs really didn’t do much to help the human race! Coconut Oil on the other hand- well It’s A WINNER!

Photo By Gary Yee

Photo By Gary Yee

Honestly, I don’t think I knew much about Coconut Oil until after my son was born. He has eczema and had bad breakouts when he was an infant. I am not against traditional medicine when its needed, but I never felt comfortable using the steroid cream on him as he was under 6 months when he got his first outbreak of it. Luckily, my allergist saw my hesitations and recommended pure coconut oil, or a natural cream made with coconut oil. I tried both. It worked wonders. It is still the one thing I use for my eczema and my son’s (6 years later).

Photo provided by Laura Rossi Public Relations

Photo provided by Laura Rossi Public Relations

Years went on and I thought I was so clever with my new found uses for coconut oil! I mean, I use it for my beauty regime, to help replenish my dry skin & heal my eczema and I even cook with it. I even add a few tablespoons to my green smoothies after I run for my healthy oil component. But I have got nothing on this book. Bruce Fife, C.N, N.D, has come out with even more new uses for this amazing oil. Published previously as The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil, it is now in its 5th edition as The Coconut Oil Miracle.  With this book, you can really include coconut oil in every aspect of your lifestyle.

Did you know that you can coconut oil can be used in these ways:

  • Heart disease fighter
  • An anti-microbial
  • Lose weight
  • Gain glowing skin & healthy locks
  • Better health
  • Food & nourishment
  • and so much more……

Did you know that Coconut Oil can do all this? Come on, did you? Even Pinterest has a board dedicated to this amazing  oil! If you don’t believe me- check out one of my favorite boards for yourself here.

Laura Rossi Public Relations was kind enough to give me digital copy of this book- but YOU can enter to win a Hard Copy for yourself! Keep this book in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in your bedroom- the possibilities are endless: because this book encompasses all aspects of your life. You will be amazed to learn all the benefits that coconut oil can give you. From glowing skin, maintaining weight-loss to healthy gums- it’s nothing short of miraculous! Plus there are recipes included in the back of the book- and let me tell you the Coconut Brownies are to die for!

So what are you waiting for? Learn more about this book and all the benefits of Coconut Oil here!  And Enter for your chance to win! Giveaway will end Feb 8th and Noon! Good Luck!


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