Last night while coming home from the YMCA, Landon asked me a question. This question literally came out of the blue, as if falling from the sky into my lap. To be honest, I am still pondering how he even came up with It. Landon asked, “Mommy, whose tummy did you come out of? because I know it wasn’t Noni’s”.
I immediately asked him how he knew it wasn’t Noni’s tummy. He said he doesn’t know how he knows, he just remembers something about it. And to be honest, I don’t know if we ever discussed that I was adopted. We have definitely discussed adoptions in general. He knows what it means and understands it. But I can’t remember if we discussed me!
Being adopted is something I live with everyday. Not a day goes by that it doesn’t cross my mind. Sometimes it makes me sad. Sometimes it makes me happy. And sometimes I just feel kinda lost. I am 30 years old and I don’t think it will ever be “off” my mind. But I am fine with that. Even though it may make me feel a plethora of emotions, I am ALWAYS proud of being adopted. That will never change. It is who I am.
Back to proposed question from my inquisitive 5 year old. responded very quick with a brief answer. “No, I didn’t come from Noni’s tummy, but she is my mom and loves me very much, just the same way I love you”. He then asked me what do I call the person whose tummy I came from. He wanted now know of that person was his grandmother and he will ever meet her. I told him that I love him very much because he is so curious and has a wonderful heart and that Daddy & Mommy can answer all your questions tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the day…and although I still have no idea what to say to him, I am happy that my little man is so curious about these things. He wants to know everything he possibly can. I know the term ” birth mother” will be used, but we are still unsure of what to tell him. Actually, sometimes I still don’t understand my adoption either. So this is why it’s so hard. I will report back with our findings…and how he takes it and what we say..and I am glad he is not so good with time-frames because I think I will need more than 1 day to think this over!